Saturday, May 20, 2017

Why diigitae's Extreme WEN§Digo VOL.1 is an album you should listen to

While judging simply from the tracklist one may surmise that someone simply put a folder or two full of noise experiments on a CD and called it an album, one should not count this as a mark against the album, but rather, part of its charm. There is variety in the types of sounds presented, from fear-inducing, surreal noise in the opening track to well-sculpted mixes of tones and static, to improvised pieces which take the listener on a noisy journey to strange places. The whole point of this album is that it IS a snapshot of a budding artist, and it should be taken as such. Refinement is not necessary here: this is the raw chaos of creation, and it is a great listen.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

diigitae - Extreme WEN§Digo VOL.1 released on Siccum Records

I'm excited to announce that Siccum Records has released Extreme WEN§Digo VOL.1, a full-length, harsh noise album by diigitae, a noisemaker from France. Available on CD and as a digital download on Bandcamp, Extreme WEN§Digo VOL.1 is 13 tracks of well-sculpted, harsh noise. Get your copy today!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

All about Siccum Records...

Siccum Records is a small, independent record label specializing in small runs of experimental music. By "experimental" I do not mean any particular style which has congealed around the term "experimental"; as the founder of Siccum Records (myself) has no loyalty to a particular scene and has tastes in music which run the gamut through classical, jazz, noise, musique concrete, industrial, ambient, drone, and chiptune on one hand, and more easily digested music on the other, less exciting hand. Siccum Records is concerned with the music on the less easily digested hand. Siccum Records, as a whole prefer creativity over pointless torturing the audience; that is to say, we got the joke a long time ago and its not funny anymore. That's not to say that negative and abrasive aesthetics or topics aren't allowed or even discouraged, simply that they should not stand in for a destructive lack of creativity.

Siccum Records started with my music, Dry Eyes, which started as a post-industrial, dark ambient fusion and went in a million different directions from there. After quite a few Dry Eyes releases in a short period of time, I released an Alpha Cygni album, Alpha Cygni simply being a space ambient side-project of mine.

Soon, Siccum Records will release an album by diigitae, a French noise musician.
"Siccum" is Latin for "dry".

Releases are to be on CD mostly, but also the occasional tape. It is possible that you may see Siccum Records lathe-cuts or even vinyl in the future.

Siccum Records releases can be bought at

If you wish to buy in quantity of 3 or more, say for a record store, email me.